Lazarus Aaronson
The ‘Splash’ Talks
Athene’s Child
Lazarus Aaronson He was my first live poet and he came with trumpets, fierce auras of white flame around the immense dome of his cranium, one of the Old Testament prophets stepping from a Morris Minor into our Northamptonshire home. And we waited for him to unfurl his grey whiskers and take up a pose and wave his burgeoning rod, and stand there in the garden beside the hibiscus, cast his eyes up to heaven and to his God and perform. In fact he politely took tea and a scone, talked ever so cleverly about Laurence Olivier, smiled sweetly and slipped off to sit on his own, and watch the last shadows drift over the lawn, and took out a pencil and paper, then put them away, and watched the last shadows drift over the lawn. Copyright © 2013 Cameron Hawke Smith
'The Splash' Talks Steeple Bumpstead, 2013 A dribble, a trickle, a tuppenny ha’penny flash-in-the-pan of a stream, Here today and gone tomorrow, and yet I’m not what I seem! Some call me The Splash – when they’re short of the cash They’ll use me to wash down the van; the dogs will swim in me, but by jiminy They do not know who I am! And most of the time I lay so quiet, sober, thirsty and dry, But then I’d up and there’d be a riot: water, water up to the eyes, Floods in the houses, a village tsunami, and then I named my price! One million, two million, three, no – four! is the price to stop my anger, Then I’ll behave, not crash through your door, ruin your carpets, drown your hamster, run amok like a ravenous beast. I promise I’ll not behave like a gangster – Well, for the moment at least! pub. The Yellow Book, Steeple Bumpstead Parish Magazine May 2013 Copyright © 2013 Cameron Hawke Smith
Athene's Child (with apologies to Homer: Odyssey Bk 1 , 11-98) All the rest of that famous ensemble who fought at Troy and escaped its tumble were now at home. At least for them warfare and sea-faring were done, but not for Odysseo, the ultimate one, crying out for the day of his home-coming and the pleasure of bedding his own woman. It was Kalypso kept him, star of the seawater daughters of god, in caves that twist with dark declivities she lusted after his body. But even when he reached the knot the gods had put in the thread of his life, when time should turn its wheel and put an end to his travels, he was not yet shot of his toils, and back home with his wife. Poseidon the pernicious ruler of the waves slapped Odysseo with his hand this way, that way until the moment he set his foot on his own homeland. There is a country called Ethiopea, divided between the horizon of the rising sun and the sunset, and here far away sat Poseidon contemplating with a smile a sizzling pile of roast beef and lamb. Meanwhile on Mount Olympus the gods sat tight in the megaron giving ear to the words of Lord Zeus: Oh, whoa-ho! Is there no end in sight to the empty- headed ways of men ? They like to put the blame on us of course but nine times out of ten the fault is theirs. Take Aigistho for instance, he bedded Agamemnon's wife and welcomed back the husband on the point of a knife, knowing full well he stared into the pit of hell. We even sent Hermes, the one with eyes that pry everywhere, to warn him off it. What use? Well, he's paid the price. Athene the goddess replies without a flicker of the lids of her owlish eyes: Father, greatest of the great, sure that man got what he deserved. Any other like him should share his fate, but for me it is Odysseo who cuts my bleeding heart in two – a brainy man but a miserable one, cut off from his own folk, stranded on an island like a tummy-button in the sea, an island thick with bushes, the haunt of a she-god daughter of Atlas the Gaunt (who keeps the blue sky from falling on us by the arch of his massive cranium). Well, she keeps that poor man under her thumb with sexy talk and innuendoes, till Ithaka, his home beyond the ocean, is lost in the blur of her magic potion. Meantime Odysseo wants only to see a puff of billowing smoke rise in the chimneys of his homeland and cries out for death's stroke. Are you not bothered, Olympian Lord? Were the offerings he paid too few on the beaches of Troy? Is the word 'Odysseo' odious to you?' To this the great marshall of storms: My dearest pet, what a phrase to let slip through your teeth! Odysseo is almost one of us. How could I forget this most astute of men, and the most punctilious in his offerings to us, the people of the sky. It is Poseidon who won't let drop the Cyclops'case, he won't excuse that put-out eye of Polyphemo, lion of the monocle race, nor forget the wet and wild sexy nympholeptic rave with the sea-girl Thoösa in that cave, when she conceived his monster child. So what does my brother, the old earth-rattler do? He stretches his hand but cannot kill, he can only hold a rein on Odysseo from reaching his fatherland. But now it's over to us, let's ponder. We'll get him home, Poseidon will soften. He has to go under if this is the course we are all allied on! Athene the goddess replies without a flicker of the lids of her owlish eyes: So it's all agreed: Odysseo the multi-brained will indeed find his way back to his estate, item: the messenger-god Hermes will speed off to Ogygia to give that well-coiffeured nymphet our final set-in-concrete word, that Odysseus is sent on a course for home. Meanwhile I'll shoe my heels to fly away to Ithaka and maybe drum a little sense into the cerebrum of the son and heir. At least I'll try. I'll get him to call up those long-haired Greeks filling their bellies with the choicest steaks of his mutton and beef, and give them instead a piece of his mind. Then off he'll head. He could do worse than go to Sparta and learn what he can of his reverend pater, and maybe pick up a bit of the èclat of that great intelligence, his papa. That said, she strapped the twin micro-engines on her feet, adjusted her bra, pressed the button that said 'begin' and entered the dimension of time and space. Copyright © 2012 Cameron Hawke Smith