Poetry Aloud has met in Bury St Edmunds since 2008. We currently meet via Zoom every 3rd Tuesday of the month, except December, when there is no meeting.
The meetings are upstairs in Oakes Barn, St Andrews Street South, Bury St. Edmunds, IP33 3PH.
Full details of how they are organised and how to get there can be found here.
We charge £2 entry fee, which covers hire costs and pays for the website and an occasional special event, such as a guest poet or workshop.
On the first Tuesday of each month (except December) we hold a Critical Poetry Workshop at 19:30 via Zoom.
We also enjoy working as a group to produce a performance for the Suffolk Poetry Society Festival of Suffolk Poetry in May of each year in Stowmarket – check the SPS website for more details.
Poetry Aloud is run democratically, it has a small elected committee and holds an annual AGM.
You can contact us through the contact form on this website.
As a group we welcome poetry that is diverse in style and subject matter and aim to create an environment where poets can share and develop their work in an atmosphere that is inclusive and non-judgemental.
We value poetry for its ability to celebrate the ordinary as well as the extraordinary in our inner and outer worlds in language that is fresh and reflective of the individual writer. We hope that the Poetry Aloud website will feature poems that variously move, challenge and entertain its visitors, helping us all to enter sympathetically into the lives of others.
Poems featured on the website should not be taken as reflective of the opinions and perspectives of anyone other than the individual writer. However, all contributors must observe the legal limits that are set on freedom of speech, and the committee may on rare occasions choose not to include poems it considers could promote hatred, incitement, or discriminatory attitudes.