Virtual Critical Poetry Workshop via Zoom
1st Tuesday of each month 7.30 pm.
Thoughtful, positive criticism in a supportive setting that is an honest appraisal, but also offers encouragement.
Venue: a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone near you!
Poetry Aloud Workshop for September is Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 7.30pm
The monthly workshop is a chance to receive thoughtful, positive feedback on a poem you’ve been working on, in a supportive setting. What works for people in the poem as it stands at the moment, and what doesn’t? Get honest appraisal, with encouragement, and sometimes a suggestion or two.
The routine is that you read the poem aloud, then someone else also reads it out before the discussion starts. This usually lasts for up to ten minutes. You just listen, and get a chance to respond at the end.
Sharing the poems in advance gives the best chance for considered comments and interesting discussion when we meet. So if you also send in your poem when confirming attendance each month, it is then distributed, with others, to everyone who’s expressed interest in attending.
If your poem isn’t ready to send early you can just share it on screen at the workshop and receive slightly less considered comments! You will need to have the poem open on your computer before joining the meeting to do this.
The workshop co-hosts are Rob and Jen. If you are interested in attending and have any questions about how it works, please contact them via email at
We have a small group of regular attenders and new people are always welcome.
A reminder is sent out each month to everyone on the Poetry Aloud mailing list and will include the email address and last date for letting Rob/Jen know you are planning to attend and for sending in your poem. You will then be included in the Zoom invitation.