Sonneted Christmas
Cock Of The North
The Wilderness
Sonneted Christmas We're raised to think that this should all be joy. Twelve days of laughter rushing through the door, Not threading up the chimney like a boy With sooted head and feet both bruised and sore. There is no longer comfort by the fire When broken homes split hearts like chestnut rinds, And coal face smiles distort to those of liars That wheedle through the bare boned watcher's mind. But in the chilling ash can stir a sound, The smallest sound of all, the still small voice. And if the bellows hang there and still pound There may yet be a reason to rejoice. As rising puffs of notes create a score, They bring to life a carolled song once more. Copyright © 2009 Jenny Chantler
Cock Of The North Although it makes me glad to know You’ve found a mound on which to crow, A flock to manage gamefully, A place to strut, a chance to preen, Your climbing spurs sliced up my breast Until my sweetness failed at last. Now, spitting out humility, I wish your cockerel R.I.P. Copyright © 2008 Jenny Chantler
The Wilderness I found a man to walk towards For all the rest of life Across a vast and treeless plain But with a starlit sky A man to lose and find again To kiss hullo, goodbye To sing duets with though apart To flame and chill my brain A man to talk to in the night Whose voice could keep me warm Someone to dance for in the day On even a stony floor… But then I feared these visions Were mine alone to keep That he’d not take the first sharp step Along a path that steep But I was wrong And he has limped Up over rocks with me And we have reached the first plateau And we can see the sea. Copyright © 2008 Jenny Chantler